Monday, April 4, 2011

Bow Ties

Due to a killer spring cold, and a voice that's MIA, I took today off from work.  After the cold medicine kicked in, I was able to drag myself to my sewing room and get some mini-projects done.

I made the skinny pants for the boys, but the jury is still out on those.  I can't decide if they look good or just silly.  I am thinking about buying them each a pair of pants as a backup if the homemade hipster pants don't work out.

I'm in love with the bow ties I just made.  I used this tutorial on Papernstitch as a guide.  These little guys were so simple to make, and only took about 20 minutes each.

These pictures are awful because I had to use my phone since my real camera is out on loan.

I can't wait to see these on Easter morning.  I wish it was acceptable to wear bow ties every day!

Now I'm going to take a hot shower, and see if I can muster the energy to put together my rag rug.  Over the weekend I braided approximately 30 yards of strips for the rag rug I blogged about a few days ago.  Now I just have to sew the whole thing together.


  1. A) the bowties are awesome
    B) they are acceptable for everyday.

  2. VeggieTeen is in a small singing group - they could totally pull off bow ties any day of the year :)
