Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hipster Boys Easter Outfits

Happy Thursday! Only one more day of work before a long Presidents Day weekend. I hope I can get some time this weekend to work on all of my projects.

Right now, I’m obsessed with the idea of making cute Easter outfits for my boys. For a crafty person like me, having boys is hard sometimes. If you walk into any store, there are hundreds of cute little dresses for girls, but what do they have for boys? Jeans and tee shirts. Luckily, there are some other crafty moms of boys who are blogging their great ideas.

So, what is my vision? Picture skinny dress pants, cute dress shirts with either skinny ties or bow ties, and top-siders. Marcus says he doesn’t want me dressing up the boys like hipsters, but I told him I only have a couple more years of dressing them at all, so for now, I’m going to do what I want.

The only problem is, you can’t find most of these items in the stores that are readily available to us (Kohls, Target, Macy’s). So I’m left with the task of creating these outfits.

Here’s what I’m going to do. This is my inspiration for the pants. is a really cool blog, and there’s a nice tutorial there on making kids skinny pants from a pair of men’s trousers. I’m not that ambitious, so I’m taking her idea, and reworking it. I already went to my trusty thrift store and found two pairs of grey dress trousers in my boys’ sizes. If I can get them to stand still, I’m going to measure and pin the legs of the pants and make them taper. I’m not sure if this will work, but I’m going to try.

Now for the top…I’ll probably buy a couple of oxford shirts in a pattern, then I will make a tie out of scrap fabric from my stash. I really think these bow ties are cute, and they are in keeping with my husband’s hip-to-be square style.

This blog links to a bow tie pattern for sale on Etsy. Of course, I’m not about to pay for a bow tie pattern, so I searched for a free pattern, and scored at Burda. Download the pattern here for free!

If these don’t work out, I’ll make a skinny tie…how hard can it be? If that doesn’t work, these tie t-shirts are an option.

If I get to any of this over the weekend, I’ll post the process and results. Here’s one last picture and link to make you chuckle.

What the….???

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